Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tutorial 8: Assistive technology

A widely used definition of Assistive technology is "any item, piece of equipment or product system whether acquired commercialy off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase or improve functional capabilities of individuals" as provided in PL (public law) 100-407, as stated in the Technical Assistance to the State Act, United States (Cook & Hussey, 2000).

A piece of equipment shown in our very interesting tutorial class today is the "Go-talk 20plus" a cool communication device. Shaped in an easy to carry, rectangular 15cm x30cm durable platform which had square holes aligned in rows of 5x4 (20)on one side - through which to view the message sheets. The message sheet overlays were recorded by yourself, carer, educator to follow a step-by-step process of whatever function, task, list may be needed. (like following a recipe). These had numerous uses - school, playground, home, going to the shop, getting on the bus, making a smoothee. There were 5 levels with a pictorial function with colours that were simple and clear. The idea was that you push the picture and it gives you a verbal pre-recorded prompt.

This device is great for assisiting people with stroke, TBI, non-verbal clients with memory task problems, because it is easy to follow the seguences and jogs thememory of the next step in the task needed. Increases task sequencing, because its all in order.

This little puppy will cost around $500.

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