Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tutorial 1

Information Technology is “The study, design, development and implementation, support or management of computer-based information systems, particularly software application and computer hardware” defines IT according to Information Technology Association of America (ITAA).
Wikipedia. (2010). Information Technology. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from

Information Technology is prevalent throughout society, in many cases it is hard to get away from it. It is commonplace in our daily lives – from use of cellular phones, computers and their many applications, to use of microwaves in the kitchen to DVD, TV screens all the way to the use of eftpos cards for shopping. We have fax machines, scanners, copy machines and barcodes on everything from library books to food. Cameras and video commonly are now all digital with fuzzy logic.

I feel relatively competent in using a landline handset, my computer, accessing data information, my eftpos card – banking on line etc... But I have problems with cell phones and any machinery that requires pushing more than three buttons!!!

In my fieldwork experience – IT used was predominately cell phones for communication between client to OT and OT with other professionals with the MDT. Computers were used for reports, note writing, creating pamphets and communication.

Some clients used computers – such as games, accessing internet – but most I worked with didn’t use any technology – just the OT. Even eftpos was considered hard to use, by some clients. I did see digital cameras being used as a creative tool, capturing images with instant playback for clients.

Ethical implications arising from the capturing, sharing and transferring of information via IT devices such as mobile phones or internet systems are primarily concentrated with the individual right to privacy. With technological advancements today any photos, emails etc can all be manipulated and distorted. Also the use of mobile phones which can capture images, can be used without consent of the subject. Information read over the internet can be faulty – as anybody can write anything, so finding valid and reliable sources is important, as information could really be dis-information! A problem with the use of internet by young users is that – there is pornography everywhere... it pops up without even looking for it ... so protection has to be put in place to prevent this.

Accessing information is important, especially for OT’s to be able to keep up to date in order to deliver best practice, by being able to resource relevant information when needed.

Computer ethics is defined as "A branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct"(Wikipedia, 2010)
Wikipedia. (2010). Computer Ethics. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from

Intellectual Property is a term that relates to legal property of the mind, both artistic and commercial and the corresponding field of law. IP as a law, grants owners certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets such as musical, literary and artistic works; discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols and designs. Common types of IP are copyright, trademarks, patents, industrial design and trade secrets.

Wikipedia. (2010). Intellectual Property. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from

Social justice is the application of the concept of justice on a social scale.
Wikipedia. (2010). Social Justice. Retrieved 19 April, 2010, from

Informed consent is a phrase used in law to indicate that the consent a person gives meets certain minimum requirements.

In your own words briefly summarise why (or why not) a great understanding of ITC and the ethical issues it encompasses will help us in our practice and daily lives.

As Aldous Huxley said "Its a brave new world", ( as such we are encouraged to embrace technology as being the way forward. It is important to keep up to date on emerging information pertaining to the practice of OT. This enables us to be current on emerging research information and utilise new therapeutic resources(such as Ninendo WII). By utilising knowledge of how ethical issues can be abused with technology we are better prepared to offer safe, best practice for our clients, being mindful that technology is a powerful tool when used appropriately, ethically and with consideration as to the well-being of our clients, whom can often be vulnerable.

I am of two minds. In one way, looking at the world we live in it is easy to see that technology envelopes us – we are continuously having to “up-grade”, whether we wish too or not. It has made life easier, more instantaneous so to speak, so we must keep up with technological developments so as to move and develop in this brave new world. In the other way of looking at things, I personally find it overbearing that so much information and personal data can be accessed or hacked into – from the other side of the world by whoever. I feel we are pressured into acceptance of IT, but is it really better?? Do we spend more time doing unimportant things in front of the computer screen, getting fatter, lazy-er, becoming more like drones with less individual creative and practical nuances.
I consider IT a necessary evil, but when it comes down to it, will it really help in the larger scheme of things or will it enable control of the masses.

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